As per this article in the Washington Post, a proposal will be presented to the Metro Board on December 14th in which local arts councils will select performers, via audition, to play outside certain Metro stations. The winning performers would then be paid for their Metro gigs by the local arts councils.
Anonymous said…
MetroMusicScene: Just wanted to drop a line and tell you that I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work!
Anonymous said…
Metro came up with a great idea for not. I went to Metro Office on 6th and F streets, no one post any information about audition, just like everything in D.C. that is contented to money, no one knowns any thing about Metro and Music in the station until the money is gone. Then the lies start, will we aired it on the radio, will we posted notice on our web page.
"just another cick". No Funk, No Go-go, NO Rock, No Gorth, No Rap/Hip-Hop. Just the same ol'safe suff.
"just another cick". No Funk, No Go-go, NO Rock, No Gorth, No Rap/Hip-Hop. Just the same ol'safe suff.